* Opus 25 No.10 “Night Island”
Director – Salvador Maldonado
Venezuelan animator-director Salvador studied Animation at the prestigious National Film & Television School in 2002 where he made his graduation film
“Metempsychosis of Objects”. After graduating from the NFTS Salvador worked as a Music Video Director using a wide variety of animations and different techniques. Since then Salvador worked on several Independent Animation projects, involving “Dance and projection”, “Documentary and Animation” for the BBC, and “Fine Art and Documentary”. He has been dubbed ‘a Salvador Dali for the 21st Century’ by Future Sound of London.
A passenger ship is struggling in stormy seas, a girl watches on. She sees her friend, the ship’s cat, get washed over board, and jumps after him. She washes up on the shore of a desert island, and is guided to the centre of the island by a mythic beast- half giraffe half cat. All the animals of the island, which start out as fish, but transform into all manner of creatures, are migrating there too. They find a trapped flying machine, the girl and the mythic beast have to free it from the grasps of the other animals, the girl breaks free on the flying machine which takes her back to the safety of the ship, she has to leave her mythic beast at the mercy of the other animals.
Approx Length: 5’03”
Technique: Hand drawn and After effects animation
3-D: TBC
I helped out on this a few months back over at breakthru films, just doing a bit of AfterEffects again, not released yet I dont think but working with Salvador and the rest of the team was a really great experience, look out for it when it comes out!